

UT74 PHEV Technology and Safety

I want to give a shout-out to John Gustafson who nudged me into writing a California BAR update course on PHEV/EV vehicles.

We now have UT74 - PHEV Technology and Safety as one of California’s newest BAR approved training classes.  

This course started out with me attending an EV convention in Seattle, Washington during the summer of 2021. I learned a lot of what technician’s need to know and why. The why was the key. All high voltage vehicles fall under Federal safety standards. This means there are safety concerns such as loss-of-isolation that must be adhered to. Also, high voltage components must be bonded to reduce the chance of electrocution. These are just a few of many technologies that we incorporate into our training class.

Being an OE trainer that taught for two different brands on PHEV and EV,  I teach you why we must preform these tests and document our results. It may not sound like a lot, yet at 400-800 volts and over 100Kilowatts, the available volt is enough to cause very serious injury. We teach safety so that you can live for another day.

Using the same safety recourses as the Manufacturer’s training, we cover technician safety extensively.

When I developed this course, it was based off Federal Safety standards that are used on all high voltage vehicles. Glove safety came from OSHA who got their information from the electric companies. SAE gave us solid safety practices that when implemented, will keep technicians safe. If you know these safety practices, you can see the similarities amongst the OE’s.   

How to buy electricity and external vehicle charging is also covered. Students have a lot of fun learning how long it takes to charge high voltage batteries. Very insightful information that you can use the very next day. 

There is a lot of great information in my UT74 PHEV Technology and Safety class. If you are wanting to get into the EV world this is a great introduction of components, tools, safety and procedures. ​​

We look forward to seeing you in our upcoming classes.

​UT70 Understanding OBDll diagnostic trouble codes

This is a 4-hour course that introduces technicians to 3-byte DTCs. 

These codes are the typical core codes that we have used for the past 25 years, but now with two extra digits after them, such as P0133:12.

When a technician understands what these Failure Type Bytes (FTB) are, they can formulate a diagnostic strategy that will help save time and improve your repairs.

This is a course that should not be missed. With the coming of UDS, the industry will then be using 4-byte DTCs. Now is the time to learn about these codes.